Wednesday, 1 February 2017

The Trump Card

I'm going to say something that may seem ridiculous to anyone who knows me.

I am starting to feel that Donald Trump is succeeding.

I'm starting to feel that he may be starting to "Make America Great Again".

Just not in the way he expected.

I was listening to the Joe Rogan Experience where he had Henry Rollins as a guest for a chat. Listening to the two of them was a lovely distraction from my currently overfilled life; intelligent, thinking, intuiting, honest and inspiring, whilst being almost opposite in their application. Two remarkable men.

When discussing Trump, Henry Rollins brought up an argument that i hadn't really considered. Whilst Trump says 'Make America Great again' constantly, he has never really defined, to my limited knowledge of his speeches, which period of time exactly he is referring to. The 60's? Probably not. He seems one step away from being a flat earth-er, so space doesn't really seem of much interest to him.
The 80's? Possible.... but i think there were a few to many breakthroughs in human rights, medicine, and industrial manufacturing was already beginning to show the early signs of decline.

I can't help but agree with the mighty HR that trumps perfect America, may well have been the 30's. The 1830's that is. Before the emancipation.

During that period, it was the landowners (Rich, White, Male- you get the picture) that controlled America. The minimum wage as an idea didn't even exist. A landowner owned livestock; Cows, Chickens and people alike. If they had offspring he owned them too. He payed them whatever he felt like, and they were expected to be happy. They had food, water, accomodation. If they behaved as expected they didn't get beaten. I know. What's not to love! And there wasn't a need for universal health care. If a worker was sick, there was a good chance they'd die soon so, you know, one less mouth to feed and all that.

Trump has shown in his private life, that he just isn't cut out the be a billionaire, AND, play by the rules. While scandals involving Richard Branson have been few and far between, Trump has failed miserably. He would fit perfectly into the 1830's. He refuses to pay contractors agreed amounts, has lawsuits brought upon him by former staff, and despite being born supping from the golden spoon, has struggled to be continually successful, at anything.
And his 'fortune' is yet to be proven.

But in only a week, he has succeeded. He has, in my opinion, '(Made) America Great Again.

He had a dismal turn out to his inauguration. But managed to get millions all over america, of all sexes, colours and creeds, to stand up, march, and be counted in support of womens rights. It spread to every continent in the world for Pete's sake.

He has decided to attack the environment. The environmental agency's have fought back, and for once they have support.

Then he did the icing on his ridiculous, fat, red, white and orange cake; he banned Muslims.
He banned the ones that weren't a threat in the name of those who may have been. He separated American Families. He disrupted American ideals. He destroyed American lives.
Technically, he even told the Statue of Liberty, a beloved icon of American Existence, she was an out of touch liberal snowflake.
Lets not forget he didn't ban any travellers at all from the countries that have actually managed to enter the US and take lives. That may have disrupted his business ventures there and you know what they say about the hand that feeds you.
So its become clear that he doesn't like Muslims. But only the poor, the tired and the huddled masses. The ones that have enough money to be of interest to him seem, at least at this stage, to be fine.

But the people have responded, the artists have responded as well, but the people. The people have RESPONDED. He has turned America into a country that is showing its values. Where even those that for years have sat safely in the center, watching it all unfold with healthy disinterest, they have had to ask themselves where they actually stand on the issues. Even they have drawn the similarities between modern America and 1930's Germany. With a couple of subtle differences.

Hitler loved Art, Music, Film and Science.

What does Trump love, other than himself?

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